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Click the following link to download a free PDF of Gory's Complete Score to the Film "The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad" by Bernard Herrmann: ## Preview: [Complimentary PDF file on composer Bernard Herrmann](https://www.dropbox. com/s/7h9a7ln1c2l9q7d/GORY%27S%20COMPLETE%20SCORE%20TO%20THE%2018TH%20VOYAGE.pdf?dl=0)## Preview: [Complimentary PDF file on composer Bernard Herrmann]( pdf?dl=0) Gory's 'Complete Score' to "The 18th Voyage of Sinbad" was arranged, edited and published in 2010. The source material was the orchestral tapes recorded by Gory in 1958 for Universal International Pictures (UIP). Gory is noted for his vast knowledge of, and interaction with the music of Bernard Herrmann. His work has also been referred to as one of "the most significant contributions to film music scholarship in recent memory". The original arrangements for this score were done in the mid-sixties for use by Gory's orchestra. It took decades, however, before they were finally released into print. The arrangements have been modified in the preparation of the printed score. The Score is based on Gory's original orchestral recordings of "The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad" (1958), which were made for Universal International Pictures (UIP). The score was arranged by him in 1962, with subsequent revisions for subsequent scores between 1966-68. The edits included slight modifications to instrumentation and editing, instruments added/removed, new orchestral passages, etc. While working with Gory's orchestrations for "The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad" he found that he had to alter the existing orchestration in some places to suit his filmic conception of how the music should sound. In some cases he expanded some of the existing musical passages and instrumentation, where Gory had only indicated a single instrument. In other cases he reduced the orchestration to suit his own filmic conceptions. The specific edits are described in the following entry: "To Suit The Film" ## **"THE SEVENTH VOYAGE OF SINBAD"**(1958) - Bernard Herrmann ## **'Complete Score' GORY 2010 Arranged, Edited & Published by** ** ** ## * http://www.gkfilmmusic. cfa1e77820